The VE Day Winston Churchill Speech Silver Proof 5oz Masterpiece

The VE Day Masterpiece - Silver Proof 5oz featuring Winston Churchill's Speech

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2025 VE Day Winston Speech Coin OBV REV 5Oz

The VE Day Masterpiece - Silver Proof 5oz featuring Winston Churchill's Speech

On May 8, 1945, Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivered his momentous address to the British people, declaring the official end of hostilities in Europe with the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany to the Allied forces — bringing an end to World War II.

Released to mark the 80th Anniversary of VE Day, this is a unique opportunity to acquire a truly remarkable piece that honours that pivotal day and celebrates Churchill's iconic speech.

Introducing, The VE Day Winston Churchill Speech Silver Proof 5oz Masterpiece.

Crafted to the highest standard and struck to a pristine Proof Finish, the coin features the words 'ALLIED VICTORY IN EUROPE, 8 MAY 1945' but it’s the other 368 words that will capture your attention.

All 368 words of Churchill’s momentous speech micro-engraved on 5 ounces of Pure Silver

The coin features a micro-engraving of Churchill addressing the cheering nation, surrounded by his stirring words. The scene captures the sense of shared victory, relief, and pride felt by the people of Britain and their allies.

What better way to commemorate a poignant and historic speech, than to have it all, micro engraved and immortalised on 5 ounces of Pure Silver forever. 

Due to such a delicate minting process and to also preserve the monumental significance of this VE Day Anniversary, only 495 have been issued, making this a extremely limited edition and exclusive to a very select few British collectors. 

Given the historical significance of this anniversary, demand is anticipated to be high and immediate.

Therefore, it is essential to reserve one for your collection today to avoid disappointment.

Order Ref 185/UFP4/Z
Orders and payment terms are subject to acceptance and status. We may perform a credit check.
Price £695.00 (+ £7.99 p&p)


  • Country of Issue: Guernsey
  • Year of Issue: 2025
  • Metal: Pure Silver
  • Diameter: 100mm
  • Weight: 155.53g
  • Denomination: Ten Pounds
  • Reverse: Jean-Michel Girard
  • Obverse: Glyn Davies
  • Finish: Proof
  • Edition Limit: 495

Numismatic pieces should be owned primarily for collector interest.
The Westminster Collection does not offer them as an investment and makes no guarantees in terms of future value.

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