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Great British Collection Medal Buzzard

Scientific name: Buteo Buteo

Adult Size:
 Average body size 51-58cm in length with a 109-136cm wingspan

Adult Weight:
 400g - 1.4kg

Top Speed: 40 km/h (25 mph)

Life Span: 8 years

Habitat: Buzzards are to be found throughout much of the UK but are still best found in hilly terrain in the West of the UK, especially in areas with barren open ground. Some good places include Dartmoor and the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire

Diet: Small mammals, birds and carrion. And even earthworms and large insects when other prey is in short supply.

Other interesting facts: For the first time for 200 years they now breed in every county in England, Wales and Scotland. The also now breed in every European country except Iceland, but are absent from some offshore island groups, including the Balearics.

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