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Great British Collection Medal Pine Marten

Scientific name: Martes martes

Adult Size:
 53cm, Average tail length - 26cm.

Adult Weight:
 1.5 - 2.2kg - About the same size as a domestic cat

Top Speed: 40 km/h (25 mph)

Life Span: 8-10 years

Habitat: Wooded areas, rocky hillsides, crags and scrub. Pine Martens usually make their own dens in hollow trees or scrub-covered fields, or obscured within fallen trees and roots.

Diet: Pine martens have a varied diet with voles and mice forming the greater part. They also consume birds, eggs, beetles and other insects, frogs, honey, fungi, carrion (dead animal carcasses) and berries (especially in the autumn).

Other interesting facts: Bilberries can make up to 30 % of a Pine Marten's summer diet resulting in its droppings turning blue in colour.


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