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Great British Collection Medal Seal

Scientific name: Phoca vitulina

Adult Size:
 1.8m (6ft) length

Adult Weight:
 136kg (300lbs)

Top Speed: 44km/h (27mph)

Life Span: 12-25 years

Habitat: Swimming in herds, Common seals are found around the British Isles and the colder waters of most of Northern Europe.

Diet: Mostly fish and squid with all species being taken. May also consume other sources of food which become available such as crabs, lobsters and even marine birds.

Other interesting facts: Seals may spend several days at sea and travel up to 50km in search of feeding grounds, and will also swim some distance upstream into freshwater in large rivers. They are capable of diving to depths of several hundred metres and can remain submerged for over half an hour.


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