The Westminster Collection - Honouring the nation's most important events and anniversaries with historic commemorative coins, stamps and collectables.

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Great British Collection Medal Water Vole

Scientific name: Arvicola amphibius

Adult Size:
 14cm - 22cm 

Adult Weight:

Top Speed: Water voles are very strong swimmers and can swim up to 500m on the surface or 15m underwater

Life Span: 0.5-2 years

Habitat: Water Voles live along the banks of slow-moving rivers, streams and canals and can also be found nesting in the banks of lakes and marshes.

Diet: Water Voles have a predominantly vegetarian diet, feeding on grasses along the riverbanks and aquatic plants. They are also known to feed on Insects and small aquatic animals such as Fish (particularly dead ones as they are easier to catch).

Other interesting facts: The Water Vole is the largest of six species of Vole found in the UK today.


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